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  • 29 Apr 2021 8:16 PM | Wendy Howell

    Excel is one of those applications that can do so much that people often wonder where to begin. Like anything else, without a practical use for the application, it can be challenging to find it a worthy investment of your time. I have already written several posts covering various topics about Excel. If you are interested in learning more about Excel in general, please visit our technology blog index and search for "Excel".

    Visit to read more and see the step by step instructions with pictures.

  • 20 Apr 2021 2:54 PM | Deleted user

    Choose a Social Media Platform to start with (add more later)

    Spend a few minutes liking and commenting on posts in your newsfeed

    Send targeted friend requests including a personal message to Build Your Audience Daily (5 to 10 per day)

    Check your friends Birthdays daily and send a personal message to them to engage them in a conversation

    Have new conversations with people each day.  (Set a goal of 3 to 5 a day) Use a follow up system to continue to engage with them and eventually move them from Social Media to your CRM

    Review requests from others and determine if you want to accept their request to connect and then send them a personal message to start the conversation 

    Join one or two groups that interest you and like and comment on posts there daily.  Answer questions and become a resource there.  Then find people you want to connect with there and send friend requests with a personal message.  

    If you already have an email list, have a goal to add 3 to 5 people to it daily

    Sherry Campos



  • 9 Apr 2021 11:22 PM | Deleted user

    Spring is upon us, this is when many of us start our veggie gardens!  

    How wonderful is it to enjoy fresh, organic veggies and fruit?  

    Of course, with home-grown produce we naturally like to keep our gardens non-toxic.

    Here are a few simple recipes for non-toxic bug-repellent:

    1. 1/2 tsp Tough and Tender in a 16oz spray bottle, fill with water.

    2.  1/4 cup MelaMagic, 1/4 cup Tough and Tender, 2 capfuls of Sol-U-Mel and 5 drops of T36-C5.

    My sister has been using the Tough and Tender recipe on her new vertical veggie garden in TX

    for 2 months now and said it is working beautifully!  (see pic of her vertical garden).

    Happy Spring Y’all!! 

  • 7 Apr 2021 1:39 PM | Linda Maynerich

    ⁣A few nuggets about the business behind JuicePlus+  that might be of value to building your business  Thanks for the opportunity to share  

    Join Simon Bowler & Ernesto Hartog as we interview four global legends in our business that collectively have years of experience in our business. Find out how more about their journeys and what the secrets are to developing a stable and long lasting business with our company. Get connected on this zoom Wednesday 14th April @ 2.00pm CDT ⁣⁣


    Zoom link

  • 12 Feb 2021 12:48 PM | Wendy Howell

    A device that cannot get on the Internet can be nearly unusable depending upon where you store files, what applications you are using and what you are trying to accomplish. The best thing you can do when this happens is to run through a troubleshooting checklist to narrow down what might be causing the issue. Once you know the cause you will be better positioned to remove the issue.

    This post discusses several troubleshooting steps for devices that cannot get on the Internet. These include issues local to the device and external issues.

    How to Troubleshoot a Device that Won't Get on the Internet

    The more details you have about what a device can and cannot do, the quicker you can find a resolution. This post differentiates between several types of network inactivity, in addition to possible causes and potential fixes.

    The table below shows aspects of the issues you may be experiencing and possible causes, which are explained in better detail below.

    Issue Cause Issues you are Experiencing
      Cannot connect to the Internet, printers, or other network devices Can print or connect to other devices on the network, but cannot get on the Internet Can get on the Internet, but cannot print or connect to other devices Can connect to the wired or wireless network, but cannot get on the Internet
    Device is in airplane mode       X      
    Network card is disabled       X      
    Network cable is unplugged (typically desktops)      X      
    Device is connected to the wrong wireless network           X  
    A secondary switch that some devices are connected to is off or jammed           X  
    Signal from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) is down           X           X
    Cable/ISP modem is off or jammed           X           X
    Switch or firewall connected to the cable/ISP modem is off or jammed          X          X

    Cannot connect to the Internet, printers, or other network devices

    If you cannot get on the Internet, check to see if the device can connect to other devices on the network, typically represented by mapped drives, if there are any. Alternatively, check to see if you can print to a network printer. If you can do either of these things, check the solution below that meets your issue.

    Also, if there are multiple devices, check to see if any of them can access the Internet. If they can, the issue likely stems from that single device. If you truly cannot access the Internet, printers or other network devices, there are 3 main things to check.

    First, make sure your device is not in airplane mode. There are several ways to check this:

    1. Click on the network icon in the taskbar and check to see if airplane mode is enabled.

    2. Click on the notifications icon in the very bottom right corner of the taskbar and check to see if airplane mode is enabled.

    3. Open Settings, then click on "Network & Internet". In the left menu, click on "Airplane Mode" and verify it is disabled in the right pane.

    Another reason you may not be able to access the Internet and other resources is if the network card is disabled. Some laptops have physical buttons that disable the wireless network card. Additionally, all wireless and wired network cards can be disabled via software settings.

    To check this, in the Network & Internet menu of the Settings window, click on "Ethernet" in the left menu. In the right pane, click "Change adapter settings".

    In the Network Connections window, verify the network card is enabled and connected rather than greyed out.

    Last but not least, desktops often connect to networks using Ethernet cables. Be sure this cable is securely plugged in on both ends. When possible, test the connection using another network cable which can rule out the cable being the cause of the issue.

    Can print or connect to other devices on the network, but cannot get on the Internet

    If you can print or connect to other devices on the network via mapped drives, then the local device is not the cause of the issue. In this case, the most likely causes are:

    1. Signal from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) is down - often times when upgrades are done by the ISP the service goes down. Once updates have finished the signal returns and the service is supposed to automatically reconnect. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Additionally, a service can easily be taken out by weather, accidents and other equipment failures. When this happens, it is best to contact your provider.
    2. Cable/ISP modem is off or jammed - this often happens after the ISP has done updates as mentioned above. Other times the device simply jams because it is rarely power cycled. Power outages can also cause the device to jam and they might not turn on automatically once power is restored. Try rebooting the device to fix this issue.
    3. A switch or firewall connected to the cable/ISP modem is off or jammed - a larger network often has firewall(s) and switch(es) in addition to the cable/ISP modem. These devices can also suffer from power outages, fluctuations and interruptions in the signal from the ISP. A reboot will usually get these devices back up and running. If these devices are not protected from power surges and one occurred, they may require further attention.

    After rebooting any of the devices above, wait 10 minutes to give everything time to sync back up before looking further into the issue if you still cannot get on the Internet.

    Can get on the Internet, but cannot print or connect to other devices

    If you can get on the Internet but cannot print or connect to other devices on the network, there are two likely causes:

    1. The device has connected to the wrong wireless network - this often happens in offices or homes where lots of WiFi networks are available and in offices where a guest network is being broadcast in addition to the business network. Verify what network you are connected to is the correct network by clicking on the network icon in the taskbar. If you are connected to the wrong network, switch to the correct network.
    2. A secondary switch is off or jammed - outside of very small offices, additional switches are used to connect the greater number of devices to the same network. When one of these is off or jammed, devices connected to that switch will fail to connect to other devices on the network and will be inaccessible to other devices. Rebooting the switch the affected devices are connected to should fix the issue. If further problems persist, take a deeper dive into that particular piece of equipment.
    Can connect to the wired or wireless network, but cannot get on the Internet

    Most people equate the ability to connect to a network as the equivalent of being able to get on the Internet. This is not completely accurate. A device can connect to a wired or wireless network because they are available or being broadcast. Unfortunately, a network can be "available" without actually being able to pass traffic, like accessing the Internet.

    Connecting to these networks means you can access resources on that same network. However, you will be able to access the Internet, if and only if, the appropriate cable/ISP modems are connected and receiving a signal from the ISP.

    If you are connected to the correct network and cannot get Internet access, try the 3 steps above listed under the heading "Can print or connect to other devices on the network, but cannot get on the Internet" to fix the issue.

    There are several ways for a device to be disconnected from resources. Some include the inability to print, access network resources, and get on the Internet. Each of which can be in different combinations and caused by different issues. This post discusses several of these situations, how to troubleshoot them more specifically, and how you can go about fixing them.

    As always, the more you look into an issue, the easier it is to identify the true cause!

  • 12 Feb 2021 9:26 AM | Lisa Rosted

    Have you been eating leftovers a lot lately? While leftovers can be a great way to reduce waste and save some money, eating the same thing every single night can get boring fast. But, with a little ingenuity and a couple spices, you can easily transform your sad leftovers into a special dish. 

    Here are three easy ways to make the most out of your leftovers.

    1. Make a Frittata for the Family

    You can make a frittata with virtually anything. From tomatoes and peppers to pasta and sausage, it can use up a lot of your leftovers. To make a frittata, all you need to do is dice your leftovers, whisk some eggs and cream together, and cook it in a cast iron skillet. Then, add a bit of cheese and bake it in the oven at 350°F (180°C) for 20–25 minutes. Plus, don’t forget to add some spice for even more flavor! Bell Pepper Herb Rub works well in meatier frittatas while Seasoning Salt complements most veggies.

    2. "Build Your Own Bowl" Meals

    What do you do if you have leftover meat, cooked veggies, and/or rice? Make bowl meals, of course! Depending on what you have on hand, you can customize your bowls so they’ll please even the pickiest eaters. Shred your leftover meat, season your veggies with Tex-Mex Rub or Southwestern Seasoning Mix, and warm up your choice of rice and beans. And, to make serving even easier, set up your toppings station-style so everyone can personalize their bowls their own way.

    3. Bring on the Loaded Baked Potatoes!

    There’s nothing better than a warm baked potato covered in your favorite toppings. So, put your leftovers to good use by making loaded baked potatoes. They’re fresh, filling, and fun to make with the family. And, depending on what ingredients you have in your fridge and your pantry, you can come up with delicious, new flavor combinations! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    ~Sour Cream + Chives + Cheddar Cheese:  You can never go wrong with this classic combination. But if you want to spice things up a bit, sprinkle some Crushed Peppercorn & Garlic Rub on your spuds for a surprising kick.

    ~Chili + Green Onions + Shredded Cheese:  Make this quick yet hearty meal by loading your baked potatoes with Easy Weeknight Chili, green onions, shredded cheese, and a dollop of sour cream. Oh, and a little Smoky Applewood Rub wouldn’t hurt.

    ~Pulled Pork + Sweet Potatoes + BBQ Sauce:  Looking for a sweeter take? Substitute regular potatoes for sweet potatoes. Then, pile on the pulled pork, add some corn, and slather it in BBQ sauce to make a satisfying meal the whole family will love.

    ~Shredded Chicken + Broccoli + Cheddar Cheese:  For a cozy and comforting meal, load up your potatoes with shredded chicken, broccoli florets, and a generous amount of cheddar cheese. As the cheese melts, your potatoes will overflow with ooey-gooey goodness!

    How do you repurpose food in your kitchen?  Which one of my tips are you going to try?

    Check out more of my blog articles here:

  • 15 Dec 2020 5:41 PM | Deleted user

    Hi everyone, I wrote this blog post about 4 years ago, but if there's one thing I've learned in my business, the things we hold on to, for whatever reason, don't really change with the times too much. If you're having trouble letting go of things, you can contact me at or call me at 707-249-0946. You can also read more of my blogs here:  Organized Solutions ( 

    And, also check out my website at

    Happy reading!!

    Thursday, May 12, 2016

    TEN things to TOSS Today!

    When people find out what I do for a living, I often get questions like, "What's the weirdest thing you've found in someone's house?" Or comments such as, "You must see a lot of different things that people save." And the answer to the latter is yes, I do see a lot of different things that people keep. But actually, I often see the same types of items in people's homes.

    Having my business for a few years now, I've noticed some fairly universal items when I help clients go through the process of decluttering their spaces. Some of these items hide in the backs of closets, cupboards and boxes in garages. Others are right there in your line of sight, but have become such a part of the environment that you don't even notice them. When they are brought out of the closets, cupboards and garage boxes, clients will often say, "I forgot I even had those in here."

    When the eyes of a stranger notice that collection of dusty trophies on a spare bedroom shelf, the client may look at them as if they're seeing them for the first time. That's part of my job. . . to make you look at your space with a fresh set of eyes and come up with a vision for your space.


    That being said, here's a list of TEN things you can TOSS today to get you started on your de-cluttering journey.

     1WIRE HANGERS from the dry cleaners! I know, you're thinking, "Why do I have to go through the hassle of transferring the shirts from wire hangers to my other hangers?" The reason is that wire hangers are ugly, and frankly, potentially harmful (remember the movie, "Mommy Dearest?") When I work on a client's closet, that's the first thing I do. Decent hangers these days are fairly inexpensive and uniformity in hangers make your closet pleasing to the eye which may encourage you to maintain your newly organized closet.

    2. SHOES that hurt your feet! You know the ones I'm talking about. Why? Why would you assign valuable real estate in your closet to shoes that give you blisters or pinch your toes? Why?

    3. PLASTIC CUPS with old company logos, sports team logos, fast food logos, etc. If you need plastic cups for outside by the pool, pick up a pack of inexpensive cups from the grocery store.   

    4. OLD TROPHIES from your childhood, or your kids. We all know you're a winner, so why are you keeping that dusty old baseball trophy from the 70's? These can often be donated to a local charity that specializes in refurbishing them for events such as the Special Olympics.

    5. PAPERBACK BOOKS that you will never reread. Check with your local library to see if they accept gently used paperback books for their "Friends of the Library" book sale. Let someone else delve into the world of Harry Potter and Hogwarts!

    6. GREETING CARDS - - I know, I know! Being a paper craft enthusiast, I've created and given many, many handmade greeting cards and this is a sticky subject for me also. I've given myself permission to keep a few really, really special cards such as the ones from my children with their beginning handwriting skills, and a few special wedding anniversary cards. The memory of the day, or holiday does not live in the card, it lives in your own memory of that day. Getting rid of the card is not getting rid of the memory. Keeping it in a drawer is not honoring that memory.

    7. JUNK MAIL!!! Seriously, do I even need to say anything about this? Throw. It. Away. If possible, don't even let it make it into your house to sit on your counter or table. I've seen way too many paper grocery bags full of insurance offers, credit card offers, seed catalogs, Valpak coupons, and drug store advertisements. THROW IT IN THE RECYCLING BIN IMMEDIATELY!!! Here's a link to my post about getting off some of the mailing lists. No More Junk Mail


    8. MANUALS to items you don't own anymore. And while you're at it, toss the cords to electrical items you don't own anymore also. I can't tell you how many cords I've sent off to E-Waste heaven!

    9. FLORIST VASES - Really!! Unless you buy yourself fresh flowers on a weekly basis, what are the odds that you need to keep 7-10 plain, ugly glass vases. Free that space above your refrigerator, (cause that's where I usually find them!) Where do you keep yours?

    10. COOKBOOKS you never use. In today's era of Pinterest, YUMMY! posts on Facebook, and all the other apps and places you can find amazing recipes, why are you assigning valuable space to those big, heavy cookbooks?

    There's my top 10 items I recommend you start with. If you can pick just a few of these in the beginning of your journey, I think you'll find that it won't be as hard as you think. In my next post, I'll give you another 10 items that you can let go of as well.

    What items are the hardest for you to let go of, and why?

    Good luck and Happy Purging!

  • 19 Nov 2020 1:10 PM | Vera Gleason

    How can you be successful home buyer in this market?

    You know you are ready to purchase a home… But Now what?

    Much has been written about how to search for a great real estate agent, what to look for in a lender, or how is the real estate market right now. 

    But how often do you hear about how to be a great buyer when searching for a home?  Here are some tips to help you as the buyer in this very competitive market.

    Unless you are paying cash, the first step is to get pre-approved for a loan. You can’t assume you qualify, you have to go through the process.  So, find a good local lender that you trust.  We have some fantastic lenders here in Vacaville, and I would be happy to refer one to you.

    Why is getting a loan approval the important initial step?  

    • First, so you are not put in the frustrating position of finding a home you love, just to learn you don’t qualify.  An approval states the mortgage amount you can afford. 
    • Second, an agent works very hard to find your perfect home. To do that, they must know what you can afford. 
    • Third, home sellers want qualified buyers viewing their home. 
    • Forth, unless you are paying cash,  a loan approval is your ticket to getting your offer accepted.  No approval letter no acceptance….plain and simple. 

    Searching the internet on sites like Zillow or Redfin is a good way to start your search, but the more accurate information comes from the local Multiple Listing Service. Many agent websites offer this option.  Keep an open mind about viewing properties.  Some homes look great in photos, but not in person.  Other homes don’t photograph well, but look terrific when you view them.  The best home searches are done with a qualified real estate professional who understands the local market and communities. Therefore, the next step is to find a great real estate agent to help you find that perfect home.  Here is something to consider when choosing an agent.  Remember buying a home is one of the largest purchases you will ever make, where a great deal of money is at stake.  Your Aunt Violet or cousin Eddie are wonderful people, but please consider if they have the experience required to take on the complexities of handling a real estate transaction. Choose wisely. 

    Now that you have your pre-approval letter in hand, and a great agent at your side, you are ready to start a serious search for your new home.  This is where Buyer etiquette is so important.  Be polite, and remember the house you are viewing is someone else’s home.  

    Here are a few tips to keep in mind during the home buying process:

    • Communicate clearly with your agent agent about what you are looking for. 
    • Preview neighborhoods ahead of time so you know where you’d like to live.  
    • When viewing, treat the home with respect. 
    • Follow Covid guidelines; one or two visitors at a time and wear a mask. 
    • Be careful about negative comments.  Recording devices are everywhere now.  
    • Too many friends or family makes the process confusing. Keep to a minimum. 
    • Write reasonable offers, including your approval and proof of funds for down payment to prove to the seller you can afford the house. 
    • Once in escrow, get a home inspection. Also, consider a pool, roof, septic or any other applicable inspections.  Sellers don’t usually provide inspections. 
    • Keep repair requests to a minimum, and only include health & safety items. Sellers are not going to remodel for you. 


    • DON’T make any large purchases after your approval.  The lender will run your credit again even if you are approved.  A large purchase can STOP the transaction.
    • Don’t make any employment changes. Once again, the lender will check. (If you consider a change ask your lender first.)
    • And always listen to your agent’s advice. They are the professionals. 

    Successfully finding and closing escrow on the perfect home can seem like a daunting process. But, surrounding yourself with a team of great real estate professionals, and keeping these tips in mind, will help make it easier, and maybe even fun.  And very soon you will have the keys to the front door of your very own home!  

    How exciting!!

    Vera Gleason, Realtor®

     DRE #01412791

    707-394-8372 or 951-334-6002


    RE eBroker Group, Inc

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