We strive to Empower, Help, and Inspire women through-out their lives, around the globe, to reach the highest possible achievements through shared experience and guidance. Empower Hour is now under a Non- profit 501 (c) 3.
It’s here ... Empowered Women of Empower Hour ... In time for a perfect Fall Read A book of compelling and inspiring stories - all proceeds benefitting The Butterfly Element non-profit organization
Empowered Women Of Empower Hour” is a compilation book of astonishing women, who have accomplished “out of this world” goals and achieved some of the highest honors. This book offers stories of love, misery, motivation and education. Empower Hour is a women's Empowerment group that strives to Empower and inspire women through their lives, around the globe to reach their highest achievements. We are fortunate to have so many outstanding women hoping and willing to share their lives! All proceeds will be going to a nonprofit to help homeless women and children. As well as, coaching business, grieving, children, youth, confidence and life for those who can’t afford the help!