We want to keep the body as clean from toxic chemicals as possible to ensure its proper operation. Sleep, blood sugar control, stress control, a healthy gut, and exercise are all important for our detox processes to function well. These should all be addressed over time as you work to improve your overall lifestyle. Below are additional tips for dealing with chemical toxins.
Foods & Compounds that Support the Liver and Detox:
• Fiber-rich foods. Toxins bind to fiber, helping the body to eliminate them. They also support the gut, in turn supporting the liver and kidneys in their detox efforts. Fiber even binds to heavy metals.
• Greens and green juices; chlorophyll.
• Berries rich in phytonutrients that boost antioxidant and glutathione levels.
• Cruciferous vegetables, Sulphur, indole-3-carbinol, sulforaphane. • Lemon and lime juices. These include vitamin C, which is best to get from vitamin C rich foods.
• Limonene (found in the peels of citrus fruits, and in some other plants) boosts phase 1 and phase 2 liver detox.
• Selenium-rich foods, including brazil nuts.
• Sprouted broccoli and radishes. • Liver from grass-fed cattle. (Be very cautious on where you are sourcing liver.)
• Fermented foods help bind heavy metals, pesticides, and BPA.
• Dandelion, rosemary, turmeric, milk thistle, burdock, globe artichoke all promote liver health. In addition to these nutrients, massages help clear the lymphatic system.