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Plan your new year with Scentsy

11 Jan 2022 8:34 PM | Anonymous

Written by Scentsy in Authentic ScentsyInspirationScentsy Spirit

It’s never a bad time to sit down and set goals for the future, but this week is a great starting point! The beginning of the year offers a fresh vantagepoint to plan new milestones and rekindle old dreams. In fact, Scentsy is celebrating Inspire the Soul week — featuring a look at what’s ahead for Scentsy, as well as advice on establishing your own goals! Here are some of our favorite tips for success:

Have a clear vision

It’s hard to get anywhere if you don’t know where you’re going! Taking the time to visualize your goals is a proven way to accomplish them — even professional athletes incorporate visualization into their training regimen to help develop recognition within the nervous system. Tools like vision boards and Pinterest pins can help you create and maintain a clear view of everything you want to achieve!


Having a vision of what you want to achieve is great, but if that vision is complex or far-reaching it’s going to seem impossible to make it a reality. That’s where the SMART method comes in: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound goals let you chart a clear path to success. After all, unspecific or unmeasurable goals often feel unachievable. Meanwhile, even the most specific goals won’t see much progress if they aren’t relevant to your life or have no deadlines. Checking all the boxes of the SMART method may seem difficult, but our next two tips make it a snap!

Write and re-write

A great way to check if a goal is SMART or not is to write it down. For example, “I will become a more versatile writer” isn’t the SMART-est way of wording what you want to achieve — it’s vague and immeasurable. “I will be less reliant on em dashes” is better, but there’s no endpoint or deadline to check if the goal is complete. “I will use no more than two em dashes for the rest of this blog post” is a SMART goal — provided expanding your writing abilities is relevant to your life. One more to go.

Find your “why”

All the tips and tools in the world won’t help you achieve your goals if they aren’t relevant to you. It’s important to stop and ask yourself why you want to do something in the first place. Introspection is hard, but personality tests and advice from the people who know you best can help. By finding out what makes you tick, you can set goals you’ll be motivated to complete, rather than ones that just feel like chores.

And there you have it! We hope these tips help set you up for success throughout the new year. Achieving your goals may still be challenging at times — you may even miss a few of them — but the most important thing is to stay positive! Sharing your goals with others can be a big help.


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