I’ve recently read an interesting article on the benefits of walking. Being a person with “wellness” always in mind I just have to share..here is a short segment but I highlighted on the benefits of walking; especially for those of us that are getting on in years.
Moderately paced walks stimulate the release of protein called brain-derived neuropathic factor, or BDNF, that is key to the survival of existing brain neurons and the generation of new ones. “Perhaps the most exciting finding is that aerobic forms of exercise likely help facilitate the growth of new neurons,” says Patrick Smith, associate professor of psychiatry at the university of North Carolina at chapel hill.
All this to say, it’s time to get moving and while we are doing that we can be rest assured we are helping our body to heal.
I truly believe that exercise , eating a healthy balanced diet, massage and lots of things alternative (to modern medicine) are used as preventive, treatment and ultimately a daily rejuvenation.
Yours Truly